We support everybody, of all shapes, ages, sizes and fitness levels to ride with us. It truly is open to anybody.
What we do ask is that you prepare and train adequately before you leave on one of our Tours, so you can really appreciate the trip instead of huffing and puffing your way through it!
Every day will include around 100/110 km of cycling and you will need to do this for four or five continuous days. Before your trip, we strongly recommend that you get yourself to a level of fitness that lets you serenely cover 100 km on your bicycle, including a few climbs and descents. We likewise recommend that you attempt two or three long rides (100 + km) followed by another long ride the next day. This will help your legs get used to getting back on the saddle even when your legs are tired!
A Scatto tour is a CHALLENGE and you MUST prepare for it!!